School Site Council/Plantel Escolar

You are invited to attend our first school site council of this school year.  We will have our orientation and conduct elections.  Los invitamos a asistir a nuestro primer consejo del plantel escolar de este año escolar. Tendremos nuestra orientación y realizaremos elecciones.
School Site Council/Plantel Escolar
9/14/2023, 8:15 AM 9:30 AM
Parent Center/Centro de Padres ZOOM ID: 958 673 9606

You are invited to attend our first school site council of this school year. We will have our orientation and conduct elections.

Los invitamos a asistir a nuestro primer consejo del plantel escolar de este año escolar. Tendremos nuestra orientación y realizaremos elecciones.

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